I don’t know about you, but I often find that I go through my workday sitting in the same position—and often without much attention to my posture. We tend to spend a lot of time using computers or handheld devices, or in other activities that keep us in a slouched position. Being aware of our posture and incorporating movement and stretching to ease tight muscles can help us restore balance.
Yoga includes much more than just physical postures (asana). Breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dyana) can be a great way to bring mindful movement into your day. For more information on yoga and its health and wellness benefits, visit Yoga: What You Need to Know from the National Institutes of Health.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching daily if you can, and at least 2-3 times per week. Yoga practices may include stretching postures, which help our bodies rebalance. Yoga can be tailored and modified for your individual needs, and it can be done sitting, standing or lying down.
The use of yoga and stretching is also known to improve mood. Taking a break to stretch and relax can provide the reset you need to reduce your stress and help your body perform at its best.
This 28-minute video led by Katie Herring (VA New York Harbor Health Care System) features a deep-stretching, slow-flow yoga routine done on the floor with both seated and lying positions. Simple movements address common tight muscles with stretching movements and postures from the neck to the lower legs. Increasing the range of motion of muscles, joints and ligaments may reduce risk of injury and can help with flexibility.
Yoga is one of the complementary and integrative health (CIH) approaches within the VA Whole Health system of care covered under a Veteran’s medical benefits package. To learn more about CIH services available at your facility, connect with your local Whole Health Facility Contact. You can also check out Whole Health Evidence-Based Research or the Complementary and Integrative Health page.