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Gulf War Illness Research Advisory Committee meeting Feb. 12

VA’s Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses (RACGWVI) will hold a virtual committee meeting Feb. 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET.

This committee meeting will focus on its charter review, deliberation of proposed recommendations to the VA Secretary and annual Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) training for committee members.

Submitting public comments

The final 30 minutes of the meeting will be allocated for public comments. The public comment portion of the meeting is important and gives Veterans the opportunity to share their voice with the committee. To hear from as many Veterans as possible, all public comments will be limited to five minutes.

Those wishing to speak publicly are requested to submit their comment(s), two pages or less, via email to VA******* All comments will be included in the official meeting minutes. Members of the public who submitted comment(s) in advance will be called upon to speak first. Other speakers may then comment as time permits.

Meetings are free and open to all. Please feel free to share this information widely.

How to participate

This virtual meeting will be presented via Webex. (Download the free Webex App.)

Join online: Click: RACGWVI Feb Meeting, meeting password: GWVETS1991!

Join by phone: Dial (toll-free): 1-833-558-0712, meeting number (access code): 2760 876 6175

For more information about these meetings and other 1990-91 related items, visit the RACGWVI website.

The Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses is a Congressionally mandated committee. It meets several times each year to provide advice and make recommendations to the VA Secretary on proposed research studies, plans and strategies related to understanding and treating the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the 1990-91 Gulf War.

All meetings are open to Veterans and their family members, physicians, scientists and members of the general public.

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